
Congratulations on your new kitten! For kitten care, read on...
First prepare a quiet room for your kitten to stay in for the first week while it is adjusting. A bedroom works nicely. If you want the kitten to sleep with you, put him in your room. A master bath is a good place for a litter box and food/water bowls. Provide a good quality scratching post for the kitten to condition it's claws on.
The kitten will feel more secure in a smaller area. It will make it easier for him to find the litter box, and that will help to re-enforce good litter box habits. This will also make it easier for him to find the food and water bowls. If you give the kitten too much space to roam it will become overwhelmed and find a place to hide.
Please remember that your new kitten has experienced a BIG change, and is going to be afraid. He/she is in a new place with new people, different surroundings, new sounds and smells. That's pretty scarey, even for the bravest kitten. You will need to reassure the kitten, speak softly, be gentle, and check on the kitten often throughout the day. If the kitten is hiding, gently pull it out, sit on the floor, place it on your lap and pet. Your kitten will feel safer near the floor at first.
It can take a few days and up to a week for the kitten to settle in and feel comfortable. It may cry often at first, calling for mom and litter mates. If you call the kitten, chances are it will come running to you seeking reassurance. A little TLC will go a long way. If you have other pets introduce them very slowly, and not on the first day. Let them meet after your kitten has settled in and is calm. Gradually increase the time together, don't leave them alone together until you are confident it is safe to do so.
It is very important to feed the recommended foods, or stomach upset could occur. Some kittens will not eat a different food. Kittens do not eat well the first few days, keep putting out fresh canned food. Call me if you are concerned. I can give you tips on getting your kitten to eat.
Please note, we have a no de-claw policy. For the health, happiness and emotional well being of your kitten please do not declaw. De-clawing may cause your kitten to stop using the litter box. De-clawing voids your health guarantee.

Preparing for your kitten: Supply List
1. Food: (Dry Food) Royal Canin Kitten. Order from Chewy.com. Or purchase from a pet store.
2. Canned Food: Friskies Sliced Chicken in Gravy Meaty bits, and canned Friskies Turkey and Gibblets Pate`. Also feeding Friskies Prime Filets with Chicken In Gravy, and Friskies Turkey Pate with Extra Gravy. If you want to feed a canned premium food please order the Instinctive Choice Organic Chicken and Shrimp from Life's Abundance when you order your dry food.
3. Scratching Post: An excellent quality post for a reasonable price is, "The Ultimate Scratching Post". It is a tall tip proof post, and is easy to assemble. You can order this post from Drs.FosterSmith.com. The cats also enjoy tall carpet/sisal rope combination cat trees. Add a few corrugated cardboard scratching pads, sold at most stores for around $5. For best results provide a variety and place in different areas around your home.
4. Food & Water Bowls: A medium or large stonewear, or ceramic bowl for water is recommended. Cats will drink more water from this type of bowl, it stays cooler and fresher tasting. Same for dry food. No plastic bowls as they have an offensive smell and will turn your kitten away from it's food and water. Stainless steel bowls are also acceptable.
5. Litter Box: Purchase a large or jumbo sized box. The bigger the better. The kittens are currently using open style litter boxes, but can be trained to use a covered box. Please remove the lid for the first two weeks and place it near the litter pan so the kitten is accustomed to seeing it, or the kitten may be afraid to go inside. After the kitten is settled in you can place the lid back on the litter box.
6. Litter Scoop. This is used for removing waist each day. Very important to keep the litter box clean.
7. Cat Litter: I'm currently using Paws and Claws Scoopable Cat litter. I purchase it at Tractor Supply stores. If you can't find this brand you can use Tidy Cat Scoopable, Fresh Step Scoopable, Arm and Hammer Scoopable. Use only a fine grained (texture like sand) clay based scoopable litter. ABSOLUTELY NO pine, pellets, wheat, corn, crystals, news paper, or any other litters that are the latest craze or gimmic. If you purchase the wrong type of litter your kitten may refuse to use it.
8. Steel comb for grooming. This works the best on the Ragdoll coat, it gets down deep into the coat to remove loose hair, and tangles. You can also touch up with a slicker brush.
9. Nail trimmer: A new human toenail clippers works best for trimming the claws.
10. Kennel: I recommend a medium plastic kennel with steel bolts. Cats prefer the hard kennels, a soft sided carrier works well too, but if you are buying new, get the hard sided kennel, plus they are easy to clean.